Reconstruction of Giraffedae Camelopardalis
Tippelskirchi [Masai Giraffe] Museum of Natural History, Rome, Susanne Isa 2013
Cabinets of
Wonder in the Age of Abundance
Imagine a collection,
bridging a period of great uncertainty, at the intersection of postmodernity
and a new era of Anthropocenic super-modernity…
This paper will reflect
on the origins and driving passions behind great collections of historical Arcana
and Natural Curiosa, originating in the private collections of 16th
and 17th Century Europe, through to the Museum of Jurassic
Technology in California today. We will consider the resistive boundaries between conventions of science
and art practice through the unconscious wanderings of true amateurs,
unburdened by the corrupting pressures of profit or professionalism. We will
examine an unorthodox landscape of curatorialism, a practice presented in a
stilted silence with meticulous facts, scientific footnotes, exhibit cards with
careful catalogue listings, sources, citations, provenance and a copious use of
Latin, all supported by the reassuringly confident tone of a taped narrator.
In an age of on-demand
content, encyclopaedic inventories and self-authorship, everyone can operate as
their own curator. Holding a mirror up to the role of the exclusive curatorial
practice, we will explore complex strands of interwoven narrative and seemingly
inexplicable facts, finely balanced on the edge of reason and deliriously bathed
in doubt.
Pictured here are some
clues: Nature relocated at a zoomorphic juncture of pure metaphor; a curious
collection of Presidential vitrines; Rocket Man as ultimate hero, reconstructed
with forensic certitude; the self-taught amateur physicist Jim Carter’s
alternative theory for the creation of matter - the Other Theory of Physics
and the Living Universe.
Simon Herron
Abstract Future Cities 3 - Conference University of Greenwich April 10th 2014
Nice Site.. i agree
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